Monday, October 25, 2010

UML growing concern

Currently there is no version of the UML concepts, including me also, UML1.1 version and now UML1.4 version I did not feel any different, but in the process of using the Rational Rose is also the only class, association, duties, activities, interfaces, use case, bag, sequence, collaboration, and application of simple state machines, etc., did not seriously consider any specific, detailed questions. OMG is committed to promoting UML2.0 version, I am "confused."
Originally published online in the software engineering expert posted on the discussion of UML UML is only limited to the simple concept of discourse, has been busy now I do not know what its course, the UML extension functions aside, and it is not good sense, but fortunately Zhang Dr. invitation only to find the promotion of UML in the country there are a lot of work to do, I will initially did not intend to explain the original UML-depth discussion of the issue continues, re-introduce some other good implementation experience.
Here, I will not describe UML concepts and usage, this will be the future of software engineering network to tell you about here and we simply talk about the reality of the situation of UML and the existing problems.
(Title word meaning less light to start a discussion. )
1. The direction of thinking
Thinking in the understanding of human history there are many memories of symbols, this is a time of human progress in understanding the human brain because they can not think of all the logical step in place, of course, use of symbols and memory, is derived. UML is also the symbol marking a historic leap forward, we designed the project, the business model in the process of designing a domain model in order again and again the relationship between various objects. So Dugguan said, "Remember, UML is only a symbol, not a methodology." I was in college during the elective philosophy, its curriculum paper was on the application of symbols in the realization of the discussion, so wholly unknown to some local insight.
After I know UML, Rational Rose to stick with the field of modeling, but also the field of software design and co-workers or people on the discussions in this regard, there are many great Rational Rose is also desired, for example, in the design process did not process tracking, only joined in the version UML1.4. UML2.0 version currently in use do not change the re-design of the project process, BUG repair, etc., that rely on other tools to compensate for the shortcomings of the tool, I generally use the microsoft Project to the project tracking and resource allocation process.
View from the application itself, UML is the Large enterprise applications, and I contacted the SMEs (China has no large-scale software companies, large enterprises can not do anything touch me), the practical application of UML for SMEs it is worrying, One theory even more, the second is the actual operation of a group Bingbing.
Why are the above argument, umlchina is the first one introduced UML, I get things from high school, but it is sporadic, this line opened in software engineering UML's column, but the number of articles only a handful, so give us something to good information to learn? UML OO theory is based, regardless of what mode to design my software, UML is the basis of the foundation, Rational company has paid a lot of work here (no longer on the table for commercial purposes).
As we all know: modeling is pre-coded software design (Modeling is the designing of software applications before coding). But for small and medium software, modeling software is a relatively large need for a lot of weak, and needs not modeling, so most of the software development team like the "fight a plan," even had the honor to write out the docs, nor in accordance with the document on a plan to implement, of course, been substantial damage modeling, UML use it not in a group Bingbing?
The actual situation, is worrying, but so can we avoid such problems, first of all to solve theoretical problems and solutions how to use, can improve efficiency and management aspects.
2. UML practical
Rose is based on the best UML modeling, design tools, the industry is in the process of using the sound of praise over the mouth of people who do not practice, good or bad is not good for the tool comment on the (as we say good, I also ...)銆?br />Late last year, I do telecommunications, financial industry people about the application of Rose, we have the same views, Rose is indeed a good thing, but the purpose of the use of different types, with Rose as the object-oriented modeling, Some focus on business modeling, and some do database modeling. I do not use Rose for data modeling, I chose CA Erwin.
In UML modeling language is also a lot before, but instead of these languages there is still major companies to speed up the process of UML is a good thing, but we design theory is not even fully grasp difficult zai.
I am not so pessimistic view, to address this gap can only find the best starting point, and the international development of a modeling standard (this is my idea).
In the process of using UML, Rational or people selected products, or to Rose dominated the field in the business are good at modeling is UML, Microsoft Corporation Voiso is also a good tool, which also includes also UML and related software modeling tools, Microsoft Corporation something very human, but this one was in the UML is the thin, but complementary to Voiso as Rose is good for but, after all, Microsoft's something we are too familiar, and the other is Word and other document editor easy to integrate.
Probably in the last year, there are several User Mail to ask a few questions on the UML design, issues related to industrial automation, when I was traveling, did not give details, but probably have to say about the method and process modeling. But afterwards, I think, the rapid development of various industries in China, today, technology is the rapid penetration, when it was pleased to see the UML modeling deep into the field of industrial automation, before Mr. Gao Zhan is also manufacturing industries like construction with UML model language model, anatomy of the large number of cases, and also develop their own modeling tools, it is rare.
Look on the face of the phenomenon of internal evaluation model appears pessimistic situation, now seems just a transition period, but shorten the transition period is that we should consider what (brothers strengthen Yeah!).
I have the time to join the company at the beginning of several recruitment, there are a lot of job seekers 璇㈤棶 company has anything to do Peixun, Dangshi my answer yes in the training of our company Yi Zhi, Yin Wei Ren Wei training I work there Yu Guo Cheng's, so using UML modeling or not, or use UML modeling in the process of actual operation will be those who push us to learn UML in the outlet.
3. The need for modeling
Software development model is the fundamental, no matter the size of the software, the scope, or the model itself is a systematic understanding of the software developed by a preliminary way. The moment in the needs analysis, we and our customers while drinking tea and talking, when there is no framework for the system in mind, yes, that time we have done, the system model, while in the tea in front of us starting to prove This is a preliminary model, with the work carried out and over time, the basic needs of the model is to model a large deposit of your program, I called in many times the system architecture.
In the present software development process, which must go through several processes are requirements analysis, system design, initial implementation, system implementation, system operation, system maintenance. At these stages, iterative development model we have gone through every stage of the baptism of a system modeling, now Rational's RUP in the system development process is also constrained the free development of our temperament (software development must follow one in the model, rather than our noble sentiment embodied).
The original form of modeling is preliminary, incomplete, and why? Reasons for this: the initial stage of modeling is, to move forward with the implementation of the system, the system model must change, but did not track the process of modeling the process, but to provide a reasonable mechanism RUP - iteration, we solve the system-level modeling of all the problems.
Iterative development process is described, the real model is a description of the various stages of renovation, the idea of the system, and grasp the system development trends, to effectively control the development and system architecture.
When the demand for analysis to a rationalization of the stage, the system model appeared, but now almost all of the companies are "better and more economical" development system, it is a taboo, and sometimes needs to be at a certain stage before exposed, so anxious is not a development of systems.
Patient, reasonable, and system modeling is the way to develop software.
UML gives us a system of standards (on the standard, I have specialized in software engineering article discusses the network), the standard is the standard operation, bound the criteria. With this, we do not need time to develop software dumbfounded.
Effective control of enterprise modeling is to rationalize the process of software development, software quality assurance basis. Is not all businesses are concerned about this? Is not all enterprises are valid throughout the implementation of this?


4, process modeling using UML
House staff training day before yesterday to the software development process, some people say that we are all studied in school, and I know that computer science graduates have not studied software engineering if it is something that surprised me, but they told me they are in school at that stage can not be combined with the realities of the system, but (I) that an analysis of, oh, the original modeling process is so simple (the "Oh," I feel my three two-hour training were not wasted).
Since I know the benefits of UML, I am in the training process, the natural method of using UML modeling, UML design concept, at least, from a business model to the application (detailed analysis is in the process I described, will be soon in the WWW. to meet online with you), the basic shape of the process is a process.
I know from personal point of view to examine the attitude of some of the industry UML biased, biased point there? In terms of ideology, people learn UML or other modeling language at the time, into a fixed state of mind is used and used, does not. Specifically to improve efficiency and learning to use tools, but not to use the tool away to learn to use tools.杩欎釜瑙傜偣涔熸緞娓呮垜鐨?amp;quot;鎴戜笉寤鸿鍏堝Rose锛屽啀瀛ML"瑙傜偣锛屾垜涓嶆帓闄ゅ厛瀛︿範Rose鍙兘缁欏UML甯︽潵鐨勫ソ澶勶紝浣嗘蹇电殑璇尯鎴戜笉寤鸿鍘昏繘鍏ャ?
銆??"缁熶竴杞欢寮?彂杩囩▼"鏄疷ML杞欢寮?彂鐨勫叿浣撳疄鏂斤紝璇存槑UML鐨勭泭澶勶紝灏辫鍒嗘瀽RUP(Rational Unified Process),瀹冧负杞欢寮?彂鐨勫皬缁勬寚鍑轰簡濡備綍姝g‘浣跨敤UML,閲囩敤UML寤烘ā鐨勮繃绋嬩笉鍚屾垜浠湪鍥藉唴浣跨敤鍚勪釜闃舵鐨勬枃妗o紙姣斿锛氶渶姹傛枃妗c?姒傝璁捐鏂囨。鎴栬缁嗚璁℃枃妗o級锛岃嫢閲囩敤UML寤烘ā锛岀劧浠ユ枃瀛楄鏄庝箣锛屾垜鎬昏寰楀鍋氫簡浜涗簨鎯咃紝浣嗚繖鏍风殑浜嬫儏鎴戜竴鐩村湪澶氬仛鐫??
銆??鍞竴鐨勫師鍥狅紝鏄垜浠殑寮?彂灏忕粍瀵筓ML鐨勮〃绀烘柟娉曚笉澶悊瑙o紝灏卞鎴戜竴鏍凤紝鍙互鐓ц懌鑺︾敾鐡㈢殑锛屼絾绂诲紑钁姦锛岀摙灏变笉鐭ラ亾濡備綍鏉ョ敾锛屾垜鍦ㄨ繖閲岃〃绀猴紝鎴戞効鎰忓拰澶у涓?亾鎶奤ML杩欎釜浜ゆ祦宸ュ叿瀛︿細銆?br />銆??鍗曠嫭鐨刄ML鏄病鏈夌敤鐨勶紝灏卞鎴戝憡璇変綘UML鍚勭被鐨勫浘锛岄偅涔堜綘濡備綍鐞嗚В璇ョ被鐨勫浘鍦ㄤ粈涔堝湴鏂逛娇鐢ㄣ?濡備綍浣跨敤锛?br />銆??涓?釜璐┛鏁翠釜绯荤粺鐨勭嚎绱笉瀛樺湪锛屽浣曟姏寮?ML鐨勮瑷?殑鏈韩锛岃繘鍏ML瀹炶川鎬х殑浣跨敤绌洪棿锛屾垜浠湪鎬濇兂浠呬粎瀛樺湪涓?欢浜嬶紝灏辨槸浠ML鐨勬柟娉曘?鎬濊矾銆佸垎鏋愯繃绋嬶紝娌跨潃绯荤粺鐨勬鏋堕?姝ョ粏鍖栦互杈惧埌瑙e墫绯荤粺鐨勭洰鐨勩?
銆??UML骞朵笉鏄竾鑳界殑锛屽浐鐒跺瓨鍦ㄤ簺缂烘喚銆?br />銆??鍦ㄨ蒋浠剁殑璁捐杩囩▼涓紝搴旇瀛樺湪涓?釜椤圭洰鍜屽彟澶栦竴涓」鐩浄鍚岀殑鍦版柟锛岄偅涔圲ML鍦ㄤ袱涓」鐩浣曞鐞嗭紝杩囩▼鏄緢閲嶈锛岃嫢鏈夎繖鏍风殑涓?釜杩囩▼鑷劧浼氭湁濂界殑缁撴灉锛屼絾杩欐牱濂界殑杩囩▼缁欏紑鍙戝巶鍟嗗甫鏉ョ殑鎴愭湰澶ぇ锛岀敋鑷虫槸宸ㄥぇ锛屾棤娉曠敤鎵垮彈鐨勩?鎶?湳浜哄憳鍦ㄤ竴娆′竴娆$簿鍖栫郴缁熺殑鏋舵瀯銆佸垎鏋愮郴缁熸ā鍨嬨?瀹氫箟鍚勪釜閮ㄤ欢闂寸殑鎺ュ彛锛屾灟鐕ワ紒
銆??鏅鸿兘鐨勮璁℃槸鎴戜滑闇?銆?br />銆??UML娌℃湁鏅鸿兘搴撳彲浠ヨ瘑鍒畝鍗曟瘮濡傛帴鍙e畾涔夈?绫荤殑瀹氫箟锛屽缓绔嬬浉鍏崇殑妯℃澘锛岃繖鏍蜂篃鏄腑闂翠欢鎶?湳鍙戝睍鐨勪竴涓叆鍙g偣銆?br />銆??UML鎹嗙粦涓棿浠惰繘琛岀▼搴忕殑璁捐锛屽綋璁捐杩囩▼鍒伴儴浠舵垨瀛愮郴缁熺殑鏃跺?锛屼笅闈㈢殑宸ヤ綔鍙互鏈塙ML鐨勬ā鏉夸緵鎴戜滑閫夋嫨锛岄偅鏍锋垜浠紑鍙戣?杩涜姒傝鐨勫垎鏋愬氨鍙互寰楀嚭绋嬪簭鏈韩锛?br />銆??闅忕潃绀句細鍒嗗伐杩涗竴姝ョ粏鍖栵紝浜轰滑鍏冲績浠呬粎鏄竴娈碉紝浠庣▼搴忓紑鍙戣?鐨勮搴︽潵璇达紝绋嬪簭寮?彂浠呬粎鏄郴缁熻璁$殑涓?锛屾瘮濡傦紝A鍏徃浠呬粎鍋氱敤渚嬫ā鍨嬨?B鍏徃浠呬粎鍒嗘瀽鐢ㄤ緥妯″瀷鍒拌璁℃ā鍨嬶紝C鈥﹁繖鏍峰悇绾х殑鎵垮寘灏嗗浣曞疄鏂斤紵鏄惁浼氬嚭鐜拌繖绫绘儏鍐碉紝鎸夊悎鍚岃璁?Design By Contract)鏄惁鏄繖绫绘儏鍐点?
銆??鍦↗acobson 璁块棶涓浗涔嬮檯锛屻?绋嬪簭鍛樸?璁块棶浜嗚繖浣峌ML涓撳锛屼粬寮鸿皟"璁捐妯″紡"瀵逛互鍚庡缓妯$殑褰卞搷锛屽悓鏃朵篃鎻愬強AOP鐨勫墠鏅紝浠栬锛?amp;quot;褰撲綘缂栧畬鐢ㄤ緥涔嬪悗锛屼綘闇?灏嗙敤渚嬪彉鎴愮郴缁熶腑鐨勮嫢骞蹭釜瀵硅薄锛屼粖鍚庯紝鎴戜滑涔熻鍙互鍊熷姪AOP鐩存帴瀵圭敤渚嬬紪绋嬶紝涓嶆槸瀵圭被缂栫▼锛岃?鏄鐢ㄤ緥杩涜缂栫▼"銆?br />銆??浠栫殑鎯虫硶锛屾垜鍦ㄥ幓骞存浘缁忔彁鍑鸿繃锛屾病鏈変粬杩欐牱娣卞埢锛屽彲鏄湪BBS涓婅楠傜殑"浣撴棤瀹岃偆"銆傛湁浜涗簨鎯呭彧瑕佷綘鎰熸兂锛屽氨鏈夊彲鑳藉皢鍋氬嚭鏉ャ?
銆??UML鐨勫彂灞曚篃鍙皳浠婚噸鑰岄亾杩滐紝鍥藉唴鐨勪娇鐢ㄨ兘鍔涙垜浠兘甯屾湜鍔姏璺熶笂銆?br />6.鎬荤粨


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